Device Recognition API (3.2.0)

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Fingpedia v3 offers a complete and structured suite for Device Recognition, Software Normalization and Monitor Recognition, along with a suite to access to the catalog for gatheirng a lot of value-added information associated. Software Normalization API and Catalog API belong to different

API has been split in two suite:

  • Identification API

Set of endpoint to qualify a set of network data. The MAC address is mandatory, while other protocols (DHCP, HTTP, mDNS, ...) are optional. The recognition object now return unique identifier (numerical) for type, make, model and operating system. The API has been enhanced with the possibility to send recognition hints.

  • Software Normalization API

Set of endpoint to qualify a list of raw information about software installed on a device. The process architecture and the operating system are mandatory information to attach to the software inventory.

  • Monitor Recognition API

Set of endpoint to qualify a list of raw information about monitor connected on a device. The process architecture and the operating system are mandatory information to attach to the monitor inventory.

The authentication model API-key based. Any license has been assigned its own key. JWT token is available for premium customer upon request.

Change Log

v3.2.0 [19/04/2023]

  • First release of Monitor Recognition API in Identification Suite:
    • Created:
      • [POST /3/monitorecog]
        • Normalize one or more monitor inventories

v3.1.0 [17/08/2022]

  • First release of SW Normalization API in Identification Suite:
    • Created:
      • [POST /3/swrecog]
        • Normalize one or more software inventories

v3.0.0 [10/10/2020]

  • Third release of the Recognition API, now called Device Identification API:

    • Created
      • [POST /3/devrecog/{mac-address}/feedback]
        • Send feedback on devices
    • Modified:
      • [POST /3/devrecog]
        • Network section become optional
        • The "ip" and "state" attribute of "device" object become optional
      • [GET /3/devrecog/license]
        • Object is completely changed to fit with new license model
    • Deleted:
      • [GET /2/devicetypes] moved to Catalog suite
  • Authentication mechanism based on JWT Token for premium customers

v2.0.0 [08/01/2018]

  • Second release with the following API:

    • Modified:
      • [POST /2/devrecog]
    • Deleted:
      • [GET /1/devrecog]
  • Updates on license counters:

    • Added the new counter for queried devices
    • Removed credit fee (0.01) for refreshed devices The new table for credits is the following:
      Fee Operation Description
      1.00 Recognised A device for which Fing engine provides a full or partial identifier (see Recognition schema for further information).
      0.00 Unrecognised A device for which Fing engine cannot provide an identifier.

v1.0.0 - EOL!

  • First release with the following API:

    • [POST /1/devrecog]
      • Identify one ore more networks with at least one device.
    • [GET /1/devrecog]
      • Identify a list of MAC addresses
    • [GET /1/devrecoglicense]
      • Recover the status of the license
    • [GET /1/devicetypes]
      • Get the full list of Fing types
  • Authentication mechanism based on API KEY

  • License monitored through counters for:

    • Calls
    • Credits (Recognised / Enriched devices) with different fee for:
      Fee Operation Description
      1.00 Recognised A device for which Fing engine provides a full or partial identifier (see Recognition schema for further information).
      0.01 Refreshed A device already identified (the proper device token MUST be sent in the request).
      0.00 Unrecognised A device for which Fing engine cannot provide an identifier.

Management API